Thursday, December 30, 2010


I was sitting in my studio this morning and at 7:59 it sounded like a huge gust of wind hit the window. Then the floor shook and the cats looked up from their sleep. I looked outside and there was no wind at all and there were no storms in the area. It was very strange, but having felt an earthquake a few years back I decided that must be what it was. It only lasted one to two seconds. About 15 minutes later the news people did come on and say there have been reports coming in.

Here in Northern Indiana we don't get a lot of earthquakes so it is big news. I'm just glad it was no bigger.

1 comment:

Peace_Lily said...

I was standing in my kitchen getting ready to leave for work when the floor shook. I looked at the clock to time stamp it in my brain and wondered if that was an earthquake I had just felt. When I got to work Bryan texted me and asked if I had felt it! The dogs didn't even move, lazy bums!!!