Thursday, May 6, 2010

House Pics 05-06-2010

Here you can see the cathedral ceiling in the foyer.

It had been too muddy to look at the back of the house, but today it was very dry.

Here is the outdoor room as we call it.  It will have a woodburning fireplace also.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Heavenly Scent of Lilacs

This is another of my very favorite bushes.
My Dwarf Lilacs
They bloom later than the larger old fashion bushes.
Oh, and they smell so wonderful.
I have two, one on each side of my front door.
One grows bigger than the other because the gutter downspout comes out right beside it.
Every morning I wake up and take a huge breath of air to inhale the scent.
It is truly a little piece of heaven on earth. 

House Pics 05-05-2010

Just more roof trusses on.

Wood going every which way.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fun Elements

Aren't these yummy colors?

I had been on the lookout for more chalk ink.
A booth had them buy one get one free. 
It was a hard choice what colors to pick.

Here are all my new fun things to work with. 
Again-the possibilities are endless.

This is by far the best pencil sharpener I have ever had.
It sharpens 3 different sizes.
I was having problems sharpening my colored pencils.
One twist of the hand and it is sharpened.
It is a new Simple Pleasure!

House Pic 05-04-2010

The house is coming right along.

The garage is taking on it's style.

There are a few roof beams up.
I thank those men who climb up there to nails those together.

Each day as the form takes shape it gets a little more exciting!

Even the walls in the kitchen are going up.
The house and floors are so nice and solid, they all are doing such a nice job for us.