Sunday, November 25, 2012

Book Review-A Walk to Remember

This was the first book that I downloaded on my Ipad from our library.  How easy this was to do and all I have to do to return it is hit a button.  If I don't do that it will automatically delete after 21 days.  It's a great thing to have.

Like all Nicholas Sparks books it was a very entertaining quick read, that the reader can relate to.  Of course there are always parts that put a lump in your heart because of what the characters are going through. 

The main topic of the story is that there are two main characters Landon and Jamie.  The setting is of course North Carolina Coast and the two are 17 years old in their senior year of high school.  Landon doesn't take too many things seriously and just drifts along not putting his best foot forward in anything, but doesn't do badly either, mediocre would best describe his actions.

His father works in Washington as a Congressman so he is gone a good part of the time, but when he does come back he wants Landon to run for class President.  He begrudgingly does it and wins because the other two candidates were not quite a popular as Landon. 
Landon finds that he should have a date to a dance and every girl he asks already has a date.  He ends up asking Jamie who is the preachers daughter.  She dresses very plainly and always carrys around a bible and her classmates view her as odd, but Landon has known her for a long time.

Through a chain of events he comes to know Jamie and ends up falling in love with her.  These events become an awakening for Landon and shapes him for his adulthood.  
I recommend this book whole heartedly.
Click here for Nicholas Sparks official site about this book. 


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