Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cat Grass

Since moving my cats no longer go outside but recently I found Sebastian chewing on a dried wreath I have.

I decided to grow some cat grass.

I ordered some online from Minnesota Cat Grass and I got it promptly in no more than 6 days.
Along with it they sent some organic catnip.  I think I about lost my hand when I pulled that out of the bag.  It was a hit.  I did get it out today and my oldest cat Smoke turned young again.  He is a chubby cat and 14 years old, after playing with "the catnip duffel bag" he jumped up on a 24 inch kitchen stool and jumped on the island.  It was truly a miracle!  We hadn't seen that kind of action from him in years!

I didn't get the cat grass planted from the Minnesota Cat Grass people but as I was shopping for Christmas I found that there is a Chia Pet Cat Grass.  It comes with a cute sleeping cat bowl and all the necessary equipment to grow the cat grass.  It was $17.95 which I thought was a bit steep since I have plenty of bowls to put the cat grass in.  The cats don't care if the bowl looks like a cat.  Chia Pet does have a nice little video showing this though, you should check it out, also maybe you can find it cheaper than $17.95.

Again while shopping for Christmas I was at Meijer department store and found some cat grass in a plastic container.  All I had to do was put 2 1/2 cups of warm water with it.  It took about 5 days to germinate and then started growing.  It is really nice to have something green growing in the dead of winter.  Once this stuff takes off it is a very fast grower.



1/1/11 from a different angle.

A few more days and it will be time to let them chew on it and have their greens that they need.
I also will use the Minnesota Cat Grass for a second bowl since there are three cats.

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