Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Decorations

We got a good portion of the decorating done this weekend.
The stairway received some garland and poinsettias along with Christmas pillows from friends.
The quilt I made a few years back.
Quilts are perfect to put in this spot.  It is viewed right as visitors come in the door and it would be hard to put pictures in this area.

A good view of the lovely red poinsettias.

This nativity I painted when we were first married.  I worked in downtown Lafayette, IN and there was a ceramics store a couple of blocks away.  I would go down there on my lunch hour and found these.  Tom worked many different hours and I was home alone in the evenings.  This passed my time very nicely.  It is now about 30 years old and there are some chips but all in all it is still beautiful to me.

The finished decorated tree in the daytime.

Here is the tree top angel we call Gloria.  She also is almost 30 years old.  I picked her up on a shopping trip to Merrillville IN.  She has survived well.

We enjoy a very full tree.

Here it is at night as I play with the flash and shutter speeds.

Moving the camera sideways.

Moving it up.

Gotta always keep track of the days till Christmas.

I love my snowman collection picked up on my own and also given to me as gifts from very dear people.

My newest one is the guy with the star on his head and also holding a star and he looks like he is singing.

Boy am I glad I didn't sell this corner cabinet!

Simple yet elegant decorations.  We have gotten a little snow today.

Here is some snow blowing off the roof.

1 comment:

Peace_Lily said...

Your Christmas decorations look beautiful!