Friday, July 6, 2012

Book Review-700 Sundays by Billy Crystal

This book was published in 2005 and let me tell you that there were parts that were laugh out loud funny.  I was reading on my front porch one night  and just burst out laughing and couldn't stop...I had to go inside. I love Billy Crystal....when he hosts the Academy Awards I cannot wait to watch.  Along with laughing it also made me shed a few tears too.  He had the most interesting family, immediate and extended.  His stories were great, I had to read a whole chapter to my husband about the baseball that they played and the Yankees that are Billy's favorite MLB team.  My husband laughed out loud too!  Billy's father died of a heart attack when Billy was 15 yrs. old.  His father worked two jobs and the only time they had him all to themselves was a sunday.  He only had his father for 700 Sundays.  It talks about the jazz era and his uncle started Commodore Records and sold music in the Commodore Record Shop in New York.  There were always well known artists in that shop, Louis Armstrong, Billy Holiday to name just two.  He went to see his first movie with Billy Holiday, it was Shane and it had Jack Palance in it, who ended up being a co-star of his in the City Slickers movies.  This was a very quick and enjoyable read.. 

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