Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fun Pictures Around the House

Here are some images that we did while I was off work this week.

I got a card made for someone who celebrates the same birthday as I do.  She is 87 this month.

Sebastian decided to get into the garland that I took down to put away.

Our dear friend Angie T. gave this to us for Christmas.

I had found a new cross for the religious wall.  It has the Lords Prayer on it.

Here is another interesting cross that we just put up.

This is a little holy water font that one of the boys got in school maybe 1st grade?

Here is a view of the wall.  The rosary hanging down was brought from Italy by Angie T. after is had been blessed by the Pope.  It has beautiful blue beads on it. 

This great piece was given to me by my sister Linda.  She got it from the Carruth Studio.
We probably won't EVER look like that?

We got some pictures and stuff up on the walls in Tom's office.  He sure enjoys his space!

1 comment:

Peace_Lily said...

Tom's office looks GREAT!!!!