THIS picture is the second of the series. It is done mostly in watercolor. The rubbing I am sure you can tell was The World Trade Center. I used the salt technique to make the layers show through the different watercolors. I had a great scroll acrylic stamp I used for the sides.
I wanted to share this fish drawing that my Son Kevin drew in his first art class. I was very impressed with his attention to detail and shading. It took a beating in his bookbag. We will iron it and frame it and hang it in a prominent place. I think he has got the talent!
THE books I am showing are a couple from my first simple pleasure. Aren't they just so pretty, and hardback. Such a great buy.
THE kitchen utensil I have here is my Simple Pleasure #3. My good friend Pam gave this to me for Christmas and it was HER new favorite and now it is mine. Let me tell you it is great! When I have ground beef that I want to break up and cook with this handy dandy gadget I end up with nice little pieces all the same size. It doesn't scratch the pan up either. It is from Pampered Chef and it is called Mix N Chop for $10.00. Trust me I have nothing to do with Pampered Chef just a consumer that found a new gadget.