I always enjoy the commercials on TV when one person does something nice and then that leads another person to do something nice and it is just the domino effect. When I am driving I always let people in, or go in front of me, I try not to lay on my horn instead I beep it gently in case the person is daydreaming at the light. I think of Gone With the Wind when Melanie and Scarlett are feeding the soldiers and Scarlett was begrudging the food to the soldiers. Melanie said that she hoped some woman was feeding Ashley like they are feeding some other woman's husband. I hope that people treat my family with the same respect in driving because we all need help sometimes. That's why this book caught my eye. It has good quotes from people and nice stories.
So Sundays will be Random Acts of Kindness Day.
I Would Love to Read about Random Acts of Kindness that have happened to you.
I will open up the comments so that everyone can read the good things that have happened and get enjoyment out of them too.
Each Sunday I will put on one of the stories from the book.
Here is a video that makes you think about how daily things can be turned into Random Acts of Kindness.
Story from the book)
Several Years ago, when I was living in Chicago, I read in the newspaper about a little boy who had leukemia. Every time he was feeling discouraged or particularly sick, a package would arrive for him containing some little toy or book to cheer him up with a note saying the present was from the Magic Dragon. No one knew who it was. Eventually the boy died and his parents thought the Magic Dragon would finally come forth and reveal him or herself. But that never happened. After hearing the story, I resolved to become a Magic Dragon whenever I could, and have had many occasions.