The neighbors may think we are a little looney but the lawn is looking nice, don't you think? Tom wants to keep the outside looking well kept since the house is for sale. I went out to take these pictures and the smell of freshly mown grass is heaven. It is a Simple Pleasure!
Shown is our Pin Oak, and it has just grown up so nice and straight. It's a good tree and doesn't lose the leaves until spring. I need visuals to draw trees because it's good to have different shapes, this will go into file of "good trees to draw".
The other pine tree is called our "Judy O'Bannon tree". Tom is a retired State Trooper and he was driving the First Lady of Indiana around and they were taking trees to state parks. She had some left over and gave 3 to us, this one survived. It is a special tree.
The cats are taking the day off from watching the house when we aren't home. All that responsibility wears them out as you can tell.
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